設計沒有邊界……成功的設計來自業主與設計師雙方互動的努力 !紮實及用心的相互對待,成就業主夢想家園。善米設計擁有優秀的經營暨工程施作團隊,並秉持著『專業服務,永續經營』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長。

善米室內設計 -水晶燈-歐式燈飾 - Schonbek

阿道夫Schonbek創辦了波希米亞水晶吊燈廠於 1870年。 Driven by the spirit of innovation, he laid the foundation for a successful company that to this day is making history.驅動的創新精神,他奠定了基礎,為成功的公司,為了這一天是創造歷史。 Today based in Plattsburgh/New York, with a product it has perfected over time, SCHONBEK's reach extends far beyond the present.今天,總部設在普拉茨堡/紐約,有完善的產品隨著時間的推移,SCHONBEK的觸角延伸遠遠超出了現在。

It doesn't take a secret formula to achieve lasting quality - it just takes consistency.它不採取秘密配方,實現持久品質 - 它只是需要的一致性。 And since 1870, SCHONBEK has remained true to its principles.而自1870年以來,SCHONBEK一直忠於自己的原則。 140 years experience in craftmanship have made SCHONBEK the world's leading manufacturer of crystal chandeliers and ensure individual service, unparallelled versatility of design, and glaringly superior quality from the hands of masters. 140年經驗天工已SCHONBEK世界領先的製造商,水晶吊燈和確保個人的服務,無與倫比的多功能性的設計,卓越的品質和醒目的從手中的主人。

Chandeliers from SCHONBEK radiate grace and opulence.吊燈從 SCHONBEK煥發優雅和富裕。 They are engineered to embellish places of historical importance, such as the White House and Buckingham Palace, and places of exceptional character.他們的設計能夠美化地方的歷史重要性,如白宮和白金漢宮,和地方的特殊性質。 The light that SCHONBEK chandelier emits is more than mere illumination - it is stories shining.光說 SCHONBEK吊燈發出超過單純的照明 - 這是光輝的故事。

All things of beauty in life look even more beautiful in the right light.所有的事情在生活中的美看起來更加美麗的右燈。 SCHONBEK makes crystal chandeliers that are meant to last for generations. SCHONBEK使水晶吊燈是為了持續幾代人。 A design that bears the name SCHONBEK is a treasure whose value is reflected not just in its luster, but also in the fact that it can be cherished for years and years.一個設計,蘊藏著名SCHONBEK是寶,其價值不僅體現在它的光澤,而且在事實上,它可以珍惜多年的歲月。

SCHONBEK is a member of the Swarovski Company SCHONBEK是一個成員的施華洛世奇公司

Since 2007 SCHONBEK is a member of the Swarovski Company.自2007年以來 SCHONBEK是一個成員的施華洛世奇公司。 With this merge, Swarovski brought two world-class brands - each with their own unique identity and heritage - together under one roof.有了這個合併,施華洛世奇帶來了兩個世界級品牌 - 每一個都有自己獨特的身份和遺產 - 共同在一個屋簷下

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